As one of the core competences, the safe load measurement technology from Müller Industrie-Elektronik has been ensuring a high level of safety in load force measurements for decades. For 25 years, thousands of device units of the patented, redundantly designed load measuring system DLM-HD have been in use worldwide, e.g. as load moment limitation for measuring and evaluating tensile forces by means of strain gauges on upper and lower machinery in theater and stage technology.

Follow-up System for Digital Load Measuring System DLM-HD according to Latest Safety Standards

As a Follow-up System for Safe Load Measurements in Accordance with Functional Safety, we offer the SIL3 and PL e-certified SMM Module Series with the Device Types:

Universal load cell MULC, strain gauge measuring amplifier SMM-DR for standard rail and bridge measuring amplifier SMM-HD in field housing in combination with the safety control SCU-DR including the necessary software, overload/underload, tare and the proven functions such as time delay, min/max settings of the relays etc. for retrofitting according to the latest safety standards, as the obsolete standard EN 954 AK4 is currently no longer valid.

The SMM safety measurement module with redundant outputs meets today's valid safety requirements according to DIN EN 61508/62061 and is TÜV-certified for functional safety according to SIL3 and Performance Level e. This makes it easy to retrofit typical safety applications for all load measurements to the latest safety standard, with modification circuit diagrams for your conversion on request.

Another Advantage:

The sensor equipment used up to now can continue to be used if it is recalibrated by a SIL3-certified company. Müller Industrie-Elektronik naturally also offers this service.

Important to Know:

The proven DLM-HD load measurement system can still be ordered, as well as necessary spare parts.

The Product Portfolio of the SIL3 Certified Safety Electronics Covers three Product Types:

  • Modular universal load cell  MULC
  • Strain gauge measuring amplifier for standard rail SMM-DR
  • Bridge measuring amplifier in field housing SMM-HD

aktuelles sil3 smm scu dr


Load Measuring System DLM-HD for Load Moment Limitation in Upper Machinery (Theater and Stage Technology)

aktuelles dms messverstaerker smm hd fuss

Upper Machinery in Theater Retrofitted according to Latest Safety Standards with Strain Gauge Measuring Amplifier SMM-HD

aktuelles dms messverstaerker smm hd einleitung